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How does the water treatment equipment change the filter material

2021-12-28 14:20:44   Visit:1210

1. The tools required for replacing quartz sand and activated carbon in water treatment equipment include pipe clamp, sand suction pipe and raw tape.

2. Before replacing quartz sand and activated carbon for water treatment equipment, the equipment shall be thoroughly inspected to see whether the customer's equipment has undetected damaged parts. If any, explain to the customer in time and record the operating parameters, especially the water inlet pressure of quartz sand and activated carbon.

3. Equipment shutdown: in case of reverse osmosis, stop the main reverse osmosis pump first, then the raw water pump, and close the water inlet of the raw water pump.

4. Sand replacement and carbon replacement are generally: replace the carbon before sand replacement, because the newly installed activated carbon should be soaked in water to fully wet it, eliminate the air between and inside the carbon particles, so that the carbon particles do not float on the water and save time. First, place a small amount of water at the bottom of the carbon filter, and then load activated carbon.

   5. The loading capacity of activated carbon is about 60% of the total volume of carbon filter tank. So as to leave enough backwashing space. After the charcoal is loaded, pour the water into the charcoal tank to completely soak the activated carbon in the water.

   6. Before replacing quartz sand for water treatment equipment, a small amount of water shall be injected into the sand box. The filling sequence of quartz sand is lower large sand and upper small sand. The filling amount of quartz sand is about 80% of that of sand pool.

   7. After filling quartz sand, reload the equipment. Washable quartz sand. Before cleaning, ensure that the valve is opened correctly, that is, the air inlet valve, upper exhaust valve and activated carbon inlet valve are closed. Then turn on the raw water pump and wash first and then. Then carry out positive washing and negative washing alternately. Until the water in the waste water valve is clear.

   8. The water treatment equipment ensures that the quartz sand has been washed clean. Clean the activated carbon with an open water pump. Wash first and then. Rinse until the water is transparent and colorless. Fine particles cannot be put into use. When cleaning activated carbon, close the water inlet of softener.

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